Now 400 antique
photographs in stereo already
on this site ! And a lot is still coming ! Bookmark it (last update :
June 2nd, 2005)
Nothing to sell, no ads on this site ! Yes, it still exists ...
Antique stereo photographs
Collection of Augustin SEGUIN (1898-1964), Pilot, Engineer, and amateur photographer ...
The first aeroplanes, World War I, cars in the 1910's, trains, travels...
These stereo 3D
photographs are set in anaglyph (left and right view in red and cyan,
on the same picture).
You need special glasses to see them in 3d, or
see them in straight B&W.
You can help to improve this site : I
have very few information on these photographs ; if you know something
about the location, the time, the subject of these snapshots, send me
them, I'll publish them on the site.
Don't be afraid for the confidentiality of your name or E-mail address :
unless you'll require it, I'll not send your name or address to
anybody, and i'll not include it in any distribution list.
Questions, remarks, mail to : |
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Reims 1909
Alpes stereo : A marvellous photo gallery of the Alps, in full color anaglyphs !.
Have you tried The Aviation History Companion?
Zeppelins in 3d: history of these flying giants, in pictures and in 3d ...
Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace : The french museum, near Paris, which keeps most of the aeroplanes you've just seen
Coupe Schneider et hydravions anciens : And very detailed documents on GNOME rotary engines
Les Ailes Anciennes Toulousaines : A club of antique planes collectorsAirMinded : A good inventory of legend aircrafts